10 Weeks Until the Dublin Marathon

And just two weeks until the French wine marathon!

This was my biggest week of training before Médoc; I’m going to cutback/taper a little bit (not much though) this week. Even though Médoc isn’t a race in the traditional sense, it’s still 26.2 miles on my legs, so I want to back off just a bit.

Here’s how training went this past week!

Monday: We were still in Corfu; Dustin wanted to take a day off of running as he builds back post-hamstring injury, so I was on my own for a morning run. I kept it to the coast and did an easy Corfiot 10k along the seaside.

Later that day, we drove our hired car to the same side of the island we visited the day before on the long run, the east side, to check out a “wild beach” there, Halikounas. It was a bit more comfortable at the beach at our hotel (the Olivar Suites) since we had chairs, etc, vs. this wild beach, but it was a nice change to explore a different part of Corfu.

Last dinner in Corfu..it was a fun but short little holiday!

Tuesday: One last Corfu run together, this time 6.2 miles with a very big climb in miles 2-3 (not really runnable, to be honest.) In fact, it was so steep that the few cars that were parked on the side of the road had big rocks under their wheels to prevent any slippage, I guess!

You have to climb some hills to get the views….

We flew back Heathrow that afternoon; always good to be back with our pups, though they were well cared for by one of the best Rovers (dog-sitter.) Seriously, she cooks for them, takes them for SO many walks, and overall gives them a grand staycation. The problem is, she’s hard to book as she’s very busy, so we got lucky to book her care for this trip.

Wednesday: Back in London and my colleague had asked me to join her again at Barry’s bootcamp. Even though I would have preferred to run outside in the midst of marathon training, I am trying my best to continue to say yes to all social invitations, so I joined her for a morning class. The instructor was actually an actor- Taylor Action James. I guess he’s in the show Viking and a few other movies/shows.

Within the class, I ran about 4 miles on the treadmill; (the class alternates between running and strength training.)

Thursday: A little tempo running with 3×12 minutes at moderately hard pace with 3 minute jog in between each set. Gorgeous morning for a run.

After work, I joined a few colleagues for dinner and a comedy show, “Katherine Ryan & Friends” at the Chalk Farm Roundhouse. It was quite fun!

Friday: It was tough to get up early to run after a later evening at the comedy show, but I managed to get up and run 7.5 nice & easy recovery miles

Saturday: Longest long run since the Vienna marathon in April! Nearly 22 miles, and I took a new-to-me route from Hampstead, through Regent’s Park to Charing Cross to the Thames, along the Thames all the way to Isle of Dogs to the Greenwich Foot Tunnel.

This pedestrian tunnel goes under the Thames and pops you out right in Greenwich by the Cutty Sark. Then I ran along the Thames to London Bridge, where I hopped on the Northern line underground to go home. Definitely the sweatiest I’ve been on the tube, but I kept my distance from everyone as best I could!

It was a long time on my feet, but I didn’t have any time for a nap. I caught up on my blog (last week’s recap HERE) and then walked the dogs, including our houseguest Coco. She’s a cocker spaniel dachshund mix. She’s the CUTEST and sweetest pup.

I just love her, though I have to admit that hair is a lot of work! With every walk through the Heath, she is coated in grass seeds! But she’s a joy to have with us for a few days.

Saturday night, Dustin and I went to the National Theatre to see “Grenfell: In the Words of Survivors.” It was quite a heavy play based on interviews and inquiries after the fire in a council housing block in 2017 that killed over 70 people. Really heartbreaking event. The play was very well done and it was my first time at the National Theatre.

Sunday: I took Matilda and Coco for a walk first, and then Dustin, Ruth and I ran 6 miles together. My legs were definitely struggling after the long long one yesterday. I followed the run with core and some upper body strength. It’s a beautiful day here in London, so I’m sure there will be plenty more dog walks and outdoor time! Have to soak up these last days of summer while we can.

Summary: 60 miles of running. 1 Barry’s bootcamp, 1 other strength session.

I’m linking up with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner; check out their blogs to connect with other fitness bloggers for workout ideas and inspiration!

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Credit : Source Post

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