How To get rid of throat mucus? – Credihealth

A common cold and cough are not harmful, but if they are not treated properly, they can worsen into more serious conditions, like mucus or phlegm. Excess mucus can accumulate in the chest and throat, causing uncomfortable symptoms, including a sore throat, cough, or trouble breathing. 

Excessive mucus can have a variety of causes, including a transient respiratory illness or a more serious medical condition like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD. Phlegm and mucus shouldn’t build up because they typically signify an infection. So, how to get rid of throat mucus? Well, Here are some easy and effective home cures to get rid of phlegm!

What is throat mucus?

The body produces thick, sticky throat mucus, often known as phlegm, to assist in keeping the airways and respiratory system free of irritants. While phlegm is crucial in preventing lung harm, it can occasionally build up in excess, causing a sore throat, a persistent cough, and other unpleasant symptoms.

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Why is the cause behind mucus in the throat?

Phlegm has a variety of causes. Rather, a variety of underlying factors cause the chemical to be created.

Typical reasons for phlegm include:

  • Allergies: To flush the allergens out of the respiratory tract, allergic reactions cause the body to generate extra mucus. Excessive mucus production and respiratory problems may result from this.

  • Reflux: Gastric fluids (stomach fluids) can reflux with or without heartburn; this condition is also known as silent reflux and can result in a buildup of phlegm.

  • Asthma: Asthma is a respiratory inflammatory illness that narrows and constricts the airways, making breathing challenging. As a result, the lungs may produce excessive mucus to shield them.

  • Chronic lung disease: Several lung conditions, such as COPD, cystic fibrosis, and emphysema, can result in an excessive amount of mucus being produced in the lungs.

  • Sinusitis: Increased mucus production may occur due to sinusitis, an infection, or inflammation of the sinuses. This mucus may fall down the throat’s back. Postnasal drip is another name for this drainage.

  • Bronchitis: A bronchial tube inflammation or bronchitis is frequently brought on by a virus or bacteria. Both excessive mucus production and breathing problems might result from this illness.

  • Smoking: Smoking aggravates the respiratory system and might increase mucus production.

How to get rid of throat mucus or phlegm?

Here are 12 methods for eliminating phlegm:

1. Honey ginger for cough reduction

You blend a tablespoon of honey with a teaspoon of fresh ginger juice. Make sure to swallow the syrup slowly after taking it as soon as possible. Take up to three times daily or as needed to get rid of a dry cough and sore throat. While honey helps to soothe it and control coughing fits, ginger reduces the swelling a sore throat causes.

2. Be sure to stay hydrated.

By not drinking enough water, you might make it easier for more phlegm to build up in your airways. Your mucus will also be dehydrated, making it thicker and harder to expel. Any mucus in your throat thins out with water, making coughing and discharging from your airways simpler. Therefore, be sure to hydrate yourself to get rid of phlegm. Warm water is healthier to consume.

3. Salt water to gargle

Salt water gargling aids in throat clearing and mucus thinning. Two to three tablespoons of salt should be added to a warm glass of water. Take a drink of salt water and gargle for a few seconds while leaning back, keeping the water in your throat. Repeat the water-spitting procedure after that. This procedure may be repeated approximately every two to three hours throughout the day. This DIY treatment could aid in preventing upper respiratory tract infections.

4. Healthy diet to prevent infection

You must pay close attention to your food when dealing with phlegm troubles. To aid in removing additional mucus, more cardamom, onion, ginger, pineapple, garlic, and peppers should be used. Hot foods and chili can thin the mucus and start running, making it easier to cough up phlegm as they act as natural decongestants. Additionally, try to consume a healthy diet.

5. Oil-infused steam

Inhale steam from a hot water basin to loosen and thin the phlegm. To feel better faster, you can do it once or twice daily. Inhaling steam can help to rid the respiratory system of mucus, but you can further boost its effectiveness by putting a few drops of relaxing essential oils in the water. 

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6. Herbal teas

One effective way to get rid of phlegm is to drink plenty of warm liquids, such as herbal teas or broths, which can help to loosen and expel mucus from your respiratory system.

Peppermint tea works well for treating phlegm. It is expectorant, antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory. These qualities will increase your body’s resistance to sickness and clear your respiratory airways of mucus or phlegm. Always give it a try if you need relief right away.

7. Nasal spray

You can also have a nasal spray or drops to reduce mucus buildup and get your breathing back to normal. Most nasal sprays contain salt water, which helps liquefy and thin the mucus. Ask your doctor how long you should use it while you have phlegm.

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8. Practice Breathing Exercises

Deep, controlled breathing exercises can boost oxygen levels and enhance lung capacity. Additionally, it encourages the effective use of the diaphragm muscles, which support breathing. In addition to reducing symptoms, airway clearance devices may assist in increasing phlegm production.

9. Get the right allergy treatment.

A customized treatment plan may be helpful if you experience allergy-related symptoms such as a runny nose, itchy eyes, and excessive mucus production. By identifying the things that cause your symptoms, you can avoid them in the future with allergy testing. Antihistamines and nasal sprays are two medications that can help lessen mucus production and alleviate your symptoms. Think about visiting an allergist for the best care.

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10. Quit smoking

The time has come for smokers to give up. Smoking can exacerbate respiratory issues and lead to an overproduction of phlegm. The chemical nicotine in cigarettes paralyzes the cilia, which are tiny, hairlike cells that assist in clearing mucus and other debris from the airways. The paralysis prevents the coughing up of mucus. Consult your doctor about nicotine replacement therapy or other smoking cessation aids if you need assistance quitting.

11. Maintain an Elevated Position at Night

Phlegm from the sinuses can be drained and kept from building up in the back of your throat by elevating the head of your bed or using more pillows at night to elevate your head and chest. This might aid in easing post-nasal drip-related congestion and chronic coughing.

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12. Use a humidifier

A humidifier will assist in maintaining moisture in the air, which could lessen respiratory tract discomfort and decrease mucus production and coughing. If a humidifier is unavailable, a warm, steamy shower might also help to clear mucus from throat.

Alao Read: A Guide to Choose the Best Humidifier for Asthma

When should you see a doctor?

You may need medical attention if you’re having trouble breathing or if your mucus is thick, green, or yellow. These signs could point to pneumonia or another more serious ailment.

Call your doctor immediately if you are coughing up blood or have red streaks in your phlegm. This color of phlegm could be a sign of a more serious illness, like a lung infection. However, excessive coughing can also produce phlegm that is crimson. It’s critical to have an accurate diagnosis and treatment in any scenario.

Additional mucus production may indicate an allergy or asthma attack. See a medical practitioner for treatment if you suspect you may have either of these illnesses. They could ask for lung function or allergy tests to rule out these illnesses.

Before starting anything new in your health routine, you should always speak with a medical practitioner whenever you start to feel sick or otherwise different from how you normally feel.

Also Read: 10 Things To Do for Healthy Lungs


Mucus is uncomfortable, disgusting, and occasionally lingers for longer than planned. Fortunately, there are many techniques to remove mucus and phlegm from your throat. Start by giving your throat and mucous some basic treatment. You can attempt herbal and natural therapies if this doesn’t work. Change your diet to eliminate things that can make you produce more mucus if you frequently struggle with it. I hope you get your answer of this question “How to get rid of throat mucus?”

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