Weekly Recap: 7 Weeks Until the Barcelona Marathon

Hello friends! I’m still working on my post about our recent trip to Zermatt, Switzerland- stop by this week. For now, I’ll move right onto my weekly recap of training for the Barcelona marathon, which will be in 7 weeks.

Monday: Rest from running. After my rough long run the day before, I knew a rest day was best for me. I did do a bit of core and upper body strength after work.

Tuesday: Run commute with my coworker Tina, 4.5 miles, and then an office run to Hyde Park, 4.5 miles, 9 miles total for the morning.

And guess who Tina and I found in Piccadilly Circus? Jeremy Allen White! His Calvin Klein ad is definitely viral (and TikTok’s of people’s reactions to it), so I had to take a picture. I loved him in Shameless and in the Bear and recently on the movie Fingernails.

And in the Calvin Klein ad, hehe 🙂

That evening, we had two friends from Minneapolis in town for a conference, so we met them at the Mayfair Mercato Metropolitano for drinks and dinner. It was so nice to catch up; I swear, people are always coming through London and I love it.

Wednesday: Easy 7 mile run before work.

After work, we met up with some friends (that we have met here in London) for a birthday celebration at another different Mercato Metropolitano, the one in Elephant & Castle, for dinner, followed by a play called “Unfortunate,” which was a parody of the Little Mermaid from Ursula’s perspective.

It was so fun! We all loved it, even Dustin who has never seen the Little Mermaid (what?? Who hasn’t seen the Little Mermaid, haha!)

Thursday: It was a late night getting back from the play Wednesday night, and I was quite tired by Thursday morning. I snoozed a bit, but I knew I could still have enough time to run to work, so I packed up my things in my running pack and did the 4.5 mile run commute to the office. I love that this is an option. (My office has showers and lockers; I keep makeup and other toiletries there.)

After work, I took a Pilates class at Heartcore; it was tough! My tailbone is still really sore from a few hard falls snowboarding last week, and some of the moves were in positions I just couldn’t do as they put too much pressure on my sore bum! I modified as necessary and still got a decent strength workout, but definitely not the full class.

Friday: Finally a wfh day, so I took advantage and went to the Parliament track at 7:30 am when it opened. I did a 2 mile warm-up, then 3 miles at goal marathon pace, 3 min jog, 2 miles at half marathon pace, 2 minute jog, and then 1 mile at 10k pace. 3-2-1 miles getting faster with each set.

It was a workout that I probably didn’t need to do at the track, but it was nice to put in my AirPods and listen to music and not worry about stoplights and dodging crowds in London. 10 miles total.

Saturday: Long run day! I ran through Hyde Park to the River Thames to Battersea park, did a loop there, and then came back through Hyde to loop Regent’s Park. The sun was shining and it was 50F/10C, which is great for a long run. I still felt tired (probably didn’t help that I did a speed workout the day before) but definitely better than last weekend’s long run. I guess it takes a bit for this old body to recover from snowboarding in the alps.

It was the type of weather where I took off my long sleeve layer, but kept on my gloves as my hands were cold. 19 miles done!

(and look at that chunky pup who is passing by in my selfie!)

Sunday: 7 mile run with Ruth on a sunny spring morning! 53F/12C. Great running weather.

Signed up for a Heartcore class later today- hoping my tailbone feels better!

Summary: 57 miles of running, 2 Heartcore Pilates classes, 1 other strength workout

I’m linking up with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner; check out their blogs to connect with other fitness bloggers for workout ideas and inspiration!

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Credit : Source Post

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