Feeding Schedule for 7-Month-Old Babies:What to Feed & When

How much food and liquid should your baby consume daily, and how can you ensure they receive all the necessary vitamins and nutrients? Feeding your infant at 7 to 8 months old is a full-time job. Feeding does consume a significant chunk of the day between nursing sessions or bottles and solid food meals. Planning a feeding schedule for 7 month old is essential for their growth and development.

 Keep reading for all the information and Expert Tips for Healthy Development for your 7–8-month-old baby. 

Also Read: New Moms: Breastfeeding difficulties & challenges

Sample feeding plan for a 7 to 8-month-old baby.

You can get inspiration from the example schedule below when organizing your baby’s feeding schedule. Every infant has unique demands, which may change over the first seven to eight months. Always act in the baby’s and your family’s best interests!

  • 7 a.m.: 8-ounce bottle, then playtime.

  • 8 a.m.: Breakfast.

  • 9 a.m.: Playtime.

  • 10 a.m.: 6-ounce bottle and sleep time.

  • 12:30 p.m.: Lunch.

  • 1 p.m.: Playtime outside.

  • 2 p.m.: 6-ounce bottle and naptime.

  • 5 p.m.: 4-ounce bottle, then playtime.

  • 6 p.m.: Dinner.

  • 6:30 p.m.: Playtime with family.

  • 7:15 p.m.: 8-ounce bottle, then bedtime.

Meal suggestions for infants aged 7 and 8

Where to begin when it comes to preparing wholesome meals for your child? Give your kid one serving of each type of food—protein, carbs, fruits, and vegetables—by adhering to the rule of four.

Here are a few straightforward foods you can give your 7 to 8-month-old.



  • Beans in a mashed state.

  • Poultry puree.

  • Pureed vegetables and ground beef.

  • Lentils.

  • Crackers made of whole grains with peanut butter.

  • Greek yogurt mixed with mashed banana.


  • Steamed peas and beef puree.

  • Whole grain bread in little pieces with mashed avocado.

  • Chicken in shreds.

  • Tomato-sauced spaghetti made with whole grains.

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What about night feedings?

Many infants can sleep for extended periods at night by the time they are 7 to 8 months old, especially if they have excellent self-soothing abilities and consume adequate calories throughout the day. However, some infants do better if fed at night, usually a dream or early morning feed between 3 and 5 a.m. At this age, unless your pediatrician advises you otherwise, there is no need to wake your baby to feed.

Also, you can Consult your pediatrician for guidance on creating the best feeding schedule for your 7-month-old baby’s routine or overall health.

Also Read: Sleep Schedule for Your Newborn: Tips for Restful Nights

What are some things to remember when creating a feeding schedule? 

Your baby is focused on getting more active, having more fun, and learning more about the world around them around 7 and 8 months old. Trying new solid foods is another top priority on their to-do list. It’s time to start introducing new flavors and sensations to them now that they have the fundamentals of eating down.

Here are some things to consider as you plan your baby’s schedule:

  • Babies need solid foods twice or thrice daily between the ages of 7 and 8 months. 

  • However, they continue to obtain most of their nutrition from breast milk or formula. A formula-fed infant will consume 24 to 32 ounces of breast milk or formula daily.

  • Your formula-fed infant will most likely consume 6- to 8-ounce bottles three to five times per day by the time they are 7 months old. They will drink three or four bottles a day by the time they are eight months old.

  • Babies who are exclusively breastfed also require between 24 and 32 ounces of breast milk per day, though this amount will probably be less. At 7 and 8 months old, your baby will probably nurse three to five times per day.

Also Read: Nutrition for Babies: 6-9 months

It’s time to introduce finger foods, possibly a sippy cup, and increase the quantity and variety of things your baby eats. Your baby may be ready for you to increase their menu if you are using baby-led weaning; they are already accustomed to finger foods.

If you give your infant easy-to-eat foods like avocado, bananas, and applesauce to start, you can now encourage them to try some items that are a little bit more daring. In reality, you can attempt to include foods from the primary food groups by serving little portions of shredded chicken or fish, yogurt and cheese cubes, soft fruits and vegetables, and whole grains as hot or cold cereal.

Additionally, discuss with your pediatrician the most effective manner to introduce foods with a high allergy potential, such as sesame, peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, wheat, soy, dairy, fish, and shellfish.

However, remember that your baby’s stomach is still relatively small, so they will only consume a modest amount of food at each meal. Aim for 1 to 3 tablespoons of fruits, grains, vegetables, and proteins for each meal. Over the following few months, gradually increase this number.

Here are some tips for new mothers from experts,

  • Babies are more receptive to trying a wide range of tastes and textures at this age. Introduce children to new foods and dishes prepared in various ways as much as you can. Remember that kids might not “like” a food the first time or two they try, and give them the freedom to investigate foods with their hands.

  • Make eating together a habit early on! Watching you eat will teach your kid several things, including proper table manners and how to use cutlery. It’s the ideal time to set an example for healthy eating practices because they will also want to eat what you eat. To assist your infant in concentrating on learning to feed, try to remove any distractions (turn off the TV, put away phones, etc.).

  • It can often be messy to feed a newborn. Accepting the mess might be challenging; who wants to clean up more? But one way that babies learn is through using their hands to explore food. If you allow your infant to get messy when eating, they will be more inclined to try new foods and have feeding difficulties later on. 

  • You’ll be better prepared for success if you set up a room specifically for your baby’s mealtimes. Place their highchair at or next to the dining room table, and place all necessary items—cups, utensils, etc.—in one location. Mealtime may feel more manageable if you are prepared. 

Also Read: How Long Does Cluster Feeding Last?


It’s crucial to adjust the feeding schedule for your 7-month-old as they transition to solid foods.

We hope that by this point, you feel comfortable feeding your 7–8-month-old child. It’s undoubtedly an exciting time, but like everything related to parenting, it occasionally requires patience and might feel difficult. Follow your baby’s hunger and fullness cues as closely as possible, and keep exposing them to as many solid foods as possible. Take a deep breath and, most importantly, have fun!


Frequently Asked Questions

How frequently should a 7 to 8-month-old eat?

Typically, 7 to 8-month-olds eat every three to four hours. Babies who nurse may eat more regularly or go through phases of frequent nursing. Your baby may go longer before requiring their next liquid feeding if they eat solid foods between meals.

Can you stop feeding at night at 7 or 8 months?

At 7 to 8 months old, night feeding can be discontinued. Ensure your infant gets enough to eat during the day to do this. It’s important to remember that many infants at this age sleep better after a late-night or early-morning feed.

Why is my 7- to 8-month-old eating less frequently than usual?

Your 7 to 8-month-old kid may be eating less than usual for a few reasons. The first is just that they don’t seem as hungry. Within a week, a baby’s appetite can change. The presence of teeth can also be a factor.

What does an 8 to 7-month nursing strike entail?

Nursing strikes happen when a baby who has been successfully breastfed suddenly stops nursing. They frequently serve as warning signs for illnesses, teething, or insufficient milk production. Once the underlying issue is resolved, nursing strikes typically end independently.

For a 7 to 8-month-old infant, is 30 oz too much?

No, a 7 to 8-month-old does not require more than 30 ounces of breast milk or formula. Babies at this age typically consume 28 to 34 ounces of food each day. Every baby, however, has particular feeding requirements, which can change from day to day or week to week.

Is a 7 to 8-month-old going to need 4 feeds per day?

For a 7–8 month child, four feedings can be plenty. Babies typically consume 4 to 5 breast milk or formula feed daily at this age. They will also have 1 to 2 substantial meals each day.

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