Hair Loss Treatment For Men & Women: Causes & Prevention

Hair is an essential and prominent feature of the body. For many men and women, noticing too much hair loss can make them sad, especially if it’s happening often. While natural causes of hair loss are tied to genetics, age, hormones, and life phases, there are also options to slow down excessive thinning and even regrow new strands. If you’re worried about your hair getting thinner or having spots with less hair, you don’t have to feel like you’ll be bald forever. Some medicines for hair loss treatment that can help you keep your hair.

What is Hair loss?

Most of our hair is made of a protein called keratin, which is also in our skin and nails. Hair grows from little pockets in the skin called follicles. Each follicle goes through cycles of growth, rest, and shedding. Studies show that it’s normal for people to lose 50-100 hairs every day, but if it’s more than that, it might mean you’re experiencing hair loss. Hair loss can be temporary or permanent, depending on why it’s happening. People lose different amounts and types of hair – some might notice their hair getting a bit thinner, while others might see bald patches on their Scalp.

What are the causes of Hair loss?

So many factors cause hair to fall out. What causes hair loss? Includes a long list of answers since every person has characteristics that determine the major cause of hair loss depending on those traits. Hair Loss Causes:

  1. Heredity Qualities

Our genes play a biological role in our hair, and genetics is a common reason for hair loss. It can occur at any age and in any gender because of a genetic condition called androgenetic alopecia, which leads to male or female pattern baldness. Another condition linked to genes is alopecia areata, caused by the immune system and resulting in patchy hair loss. Detecting and treating hereditary hair loss early can help prevent it. Everyone has their own genetic traits, and it’s essential to check them if you’re experiencing hair loss.

  1. Hormonal Changes

Hormones play a crucial role in the body, and maintaining a balance is essential for overall health. Hormonal imbalance can lead to severe illnesses, including hair loss and balding. This imbalance affects the Scalp and hair development. Factors like thyroid conditions, low estrogen levels, menopause, weight changes, and pregnancy can contribute to hormonal changes and impact hair loss. It’s important to ensure proper hormone balance for healthy hair and overall well-being.

  1. Medications

Individuals who are under medication can experience Hair loss because every medication has an impact on the body. Few drugs are used for serious ailments like cancer, joint pain, depression, blood infection, and heart issues that severely impact hair loss. Taking a lot of medicines accumulates toxins in the body and hence becomes the reason and reaction of harmful changes in the body. One should take medicines only when it is required because everything you consume creates an impact on your body.

  1. Stress

Stress in any form can impact both the body and hair health. Physical, emotional, and mental stress can disrupt the proper functioning of the body, leading to temporary hair loss known as telogen effluvium. In our busy lives, experiencing stress is common and can have negative effects on health. Stress hormones interfere with healthy hair hormones and harm the hair follicles. Therefore, it is essential to manage stress levels to promote healthy hair growth and reduce hair loss.

  1. Poor Nutrition

It is a fundamental need to take proper nutrition. You should include essential nutrients like protein, iron, vitamins, and certain minerals for better hair growth and reduced hair loss. Nutrition imbalance contributes to hair loss. Iron and protein deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency and is the main cause of hair loss. Hair loss caused by poor nutrition is temporary, one can easily improve their improper nutrition cycle by consuming a healthy diet, contributing to good hair health. 

Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Are you worried about what causes hair loss in women? Hair loss in women is called the female-pattern hair loss (FPHL). Research has shown that more than 50 percent of women complain of severe hair loss. Mostly, women who are above 40 years of age experience hair fall, but nowadays, it is a general concern for every woman. There are various factors involved that cause hair loss in women. Let’s know about it: 

  1. Pregnancy

It is one of the reasons for hair loss in women. Every woman experiences their symptoms of hair loss after pregnancy. Some women feel hair loss in the early stage, and some in the postpartum stage. Usually, it is said that in an early stage of pregnancy, the amount of hair loss increases more than generally, and it is because of hormonal changes that occur in the body. Some women may experience hair thinning and shedding due to pregnancy. If the symptoms of hair loss, hair thinning, and shedding are in the moderate stage, then it’s completely fine; otherwise, you must consult the doctor. 

  1. PCOD and PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Disorder (PCOD) Syndrome is a condition of hormonal disorder that affects the fertility system in women. It is a hormonal disorder in which women suffer from enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edge. It is a hormonal disorder when the ovaries produce a lot of immature and partially mature eggs due to infertility, which then develops into cysts. The main cause of this hormonal disorder is the poor lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, and imbalances of female hormones. It is a curable disease, but it includes a lot of PCOS diet, precautions, and preventive measures to make your body healthy. 

  1. Certain Medical conditions

Certain drugs and therapies produce adverse effects on the body which cause hair loss, shedding, and hair thinning. Medical Conditions like Thyroid, Cancer, and other serious ailments result in hair loss. Chemotherapy, used to treat cancer, affects the cells and hair follicles. Medications for blood pressure, blood infection, and anti-depressants are also the reason for Hair loss. 

  1. Scalp infection and disease

Several diseases and medical situations may cause hair loss. Autoimmune diseases like alopecia areata can also cause hair loss, a condition of sudden hair loss with circular bald patches that overlap. Other medical conditions include infection of the Scalp, like ringworm, dandruff, and other skin issues. Chronic disease is also a factor of hair loss, which forces the hair follicles into the resting phase, resulting in excessive shedding, known as telogen effluvium. 

  1. Excessive Hair Styling

Excessive hairstyling and heat treatment on hair damage the hair shaft. Tight hairstyles and overpulling of hair, such as braids and ponytails, can damage the follicles and eventually lead to hair loss. Harsh Chemicals used as Cosmetics also produce harmful effects on hair. Individuals with thin hair must avoid excessive hair styling and harsh chemicals on hair. Try to use only natural products and treatments to avoid hair loss problems.

What Causes Hair Loss in Men?

Male Pattern Baldness usually results from hormonal elements, particularly Dihydrotestosterone sensitivity (DHT Sensitivity). Other factors involve aging, lifestyle decisions, medical disorders, drugs, and other environmental factors combined with a heredity predisposition. Hair loss can be slowed down or managed, but certain variables, such as age and heredity, are uncontrollable. Making healthy lifestyle choices, stress management techniques, and getting medical attention for underlying hair loss deficiency resolve the concerns of men’s hair loss. Some factors that affect hair loss in men are:

Age is one of the contributing and significant aspects of hair loss. Men naturally experience a slowdown in hair growth as they age. Specifically, as time passes, hair follicles start to shrink, which causes hair to thin. Due to extreme hair loss, the chances of baldness rise, and hair follicle development becomes less feasible. Men generally begin to lose hair in their late twenties and early thirties. Men’s hair may gradually thin due to a slowed hair growth cycle. Aging is not a curable factor of hair loss, but getting proper consultation for hair loss is crucial. 

  • Dihydrotestosterone Sensitivity

Male Pattern Baldness is mostly caused by hormonal reasons, specifically the hormone named Dihydrotestosterone( DHT). DHT hormone is more attracted to hair follicles in specific regions such as the frontal Scalp, crown, and temple. The Shrinking process of hair follicles results from prolonged exposure to DHT, leading to shorter hair growth and thinning until the hair follicles finally stop generating hair entirely. DHT is a byproduct of testosterone, which genes can also be inherited. 

  • Stress and overload of work

Men tend to work more than women. Be it physical, emotional, or mental. There is a huge pressure from society on men to control their emotions, and not showing them fully is one of the reasons for hair loss. When stressful emotions trigger in the body, it disturbs the functioning of the body. Are you looking for how to manage stress for a healthy lifestyle? When a lot of emotions accumulate inside the body, it affects the overall body; when you feel stressed about something at an extreme level, it turns into anxiety, which can make you lose your hair. It is important to release your emotions and reduce stress for proper hair growth. 

To make the body healthy, people start to hit the gym. Doing exercise requires a lot of strength, power, and consistency. Individuals who want their muscles to grow fast or want to perform best in their tasks are highly influenced by consuming supplements. Taking supplements in moderate amounts is good for health, but an overdose of supplements harms the body. One of the side effects of consuming supplements in huge amounts is hair loss, hair thinning, and various other health issues. 

Hair health is very much impacted by nutritional adequacies, especially by consuming insufficient amounts of nutrients, and a poor diet is the reason for Hair Loss. Taking nutrition in a sufficient amount will only harm the body. However, you should know what hair food to avoid. Adding nutrients like iron, protein, and vitamins is important. Insufficient nutrition deficient in vital elements is required to develop healthy hair. A proper diet should include whole nutrients, which will help in hair growth and reduce hair falling and thinning. 

Cause of Hair Loss in Children

Children with hair loss are a sign that something is wrong with a child. Early treatment and diagnosis of hair loss in children can be improved through prompt interventions. Kids have lower immunity than adults, so pediatricians and dermatologists should be involved in their treatment. Consequently, it becomes important to do a complete body check accurately. Let me highlight some of the causes of hair loss in children.

Fungal infection is very common in children and affects the Scalp in such a way that it causes patches of hair loss called ringworm, often called tinea capitis. Fungal infections are treatable but infectious, so it is important to consult a doctor and take antifungal medicine to treat them well. Fungal infections can spread easily, so it is necessary to take precautions and good preventive measures. 

Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disease in which round patches of hair loss form on the Scalp or other regions of the body. Although the precise reason for this condition is uncertain, it is extremely infectious and needs to be cured early so that it will not grow more. The immune system is assumed to be the main culprit when hair follicles are unintentionally attacked. Taking proper medication is important for proper care of hair. 

It is a certain tendency of certain kids to pull their hair and that pulling of hair causes hair loss. It is a psychological condition of children which can be cured. To treat this psychological state, behavioral or therapeutic intervention, it is recommended to take suitable medication, treatment, and therapies. Giving appropriate education to children is extremely important to cure this condition. 

Hair loss may arise due to insufficient consumption of vital nutrients such as protein, iron, vitamins and minerals, and biotin. Biotin is one of the important sources that majorly contribute to hair growth. A proper nutritious diet is essential for healthy hair growth and reducing hair loss, shedding, and thinning. 

Cause of Scalp Itching

Scalp pruritus or scalp itching can be attributed to various factors, such as:

  • Dry Skin and allergic reactions: The Scalp is also the part of the Skin like the rest of the body. Sometimes, Scalp can become dry, resulting in itching and uneasiness. Harsh shampoos, frequent washing, or low humidity can aggravate this. Certain individuals may have sensitivity or allergies to hair care products like shampoos, conditioners, dyes, or styling products. The chemicals present in these products can trigger an itchy reaction.

  • Seborrheic Dermatitis and Psoriasis: Seborrheic dermatitis is a condition known as dandruff, which makes your Scalp red and flaky. This will cause hair loss in case of persistent itchiness on the Scalp due to overproduction of oil and inflammatory response. Scalp psoriasis is a disorder that can lead to raised reddened patches with shiny silvery scales that make your head itch or ache.

  • Fungal Infections and head lice: This may include conditions such as tinea capitis, among others responsible for itchy Scalp. Again, they can cause hair to fall off or irritate the Scalp. Itchy Scalp again comes because of having head lice. Head lice bite with allergic reactions to their saliva will lead to intense itching and hair loss.

  • Stress and underlying medical conditions: Emotional stress or anxiety can trigger or exacerbate the sensation of itching on the Scalp. Medical conditions like eczema, autoimmune disorders, thyroid, cancer, or hormonal imbalances can cause scalp itching as a symptom of hair loss, thinning, shedding, and itching Scalp.

How to Prevent Hair loss?

Are you worried about how to stop hair loss? Hair loss is preventable. Hair loss prevention can be done in many ways. Some methods to reduce hair loss include changing your lifestyle, taking care of it, and sometimes undertaking medical procedures. Below are some useful tips that you can try to minimize hair loss.

Avoid tight hairstyles that can pull your hair and reduce excessive brushing, using harmful chemicals or heat styling tools. Before applying heat for straightening, curling, or blow drying, apply a heat protection spray. Use a mild shampoo to cleanse your Scalp to avoid build-up, discouraging growth, and increasing the risk of hair loss.

Ensure you eat a balanced diet of proteins, vitamins (especially Biotin, Vitamin D, and E), and minerals such as iron, biotin, and zinc. Go for complex carbohydrates other than junk food. These are the nutrients required for healthy hair. Nutrient-dense meals encourage growing strong hair therefore reducing hair fall.

One of the causes of hair loss is stress. Stress management can be done through yoga, meditation, or regular exercise. Another prominent cause of hair loss is smoking, which also speeds up the process. One is encouraged to quit smoking mainly because it helps to reduce health risks and possibly prevent hair loss as well.

Treatment for Hair Loss

The treatment options for hair loss can vary depending on the cause and severity of the condition. You can follow the best hair loss treatment for female and men. However, for a child. Please consult to the doctor. Here are several commonly used treatments and approaches:

1. Medicines

Different hair loss medications are used in treating hair loss, but their effectiveness may vary between individuals. It is important to consult with a medical professional before taking any medication for hair loss because they can identify the cause and propose the right treatment.

  • Oral minoxidil for hair loss : This topical solution can be bought over the counter and helps promote hair growth and slow down hair loss. It should be directly applied to the Scalp.
  • Finasteride: This prescription drug is more common among men and works by decreasing the hormone that causes hair fall out. It is taken orally.

2. Hair Transplant Surgery

During this technique, hair grafts are removed from parts of the head not affected by baldness (usually at the back) and placed on areas with thinning hair. Hair transplant surgery is one such cosmetic procedure that is aimed at combating baldness by moving some small patches of Skin from one part of the body (usually at the back or sides of the head where it has genetic resistance to balding) to that area which is thinning or no hair at all.

3. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment

PRP therapy is a non-surgical hair loss treatment that induces hair growth through the patient’s blood. A sample of your blood is withdrawn before processing it to concentrate platelets for injection into the Scalp. This will make the proteins and factors in PRP more active in the hair follicles, leading to the formation of new hairs or the improvement of already existing ones. You can return to normal activities as soon as you finish the procedure. Little redness and mild swelling would be noticed around each injection, which would quickly vanish.

4. Laser Treatment

Low-level laser treatment stimulates the hair follicles that have ceased growing through light. Consequently, low-level lasers/LEDs stimulate your hair follicles into growth mode. One must seek a doctor specializing in hair loss treatment about underlying causes before commencing any laser treatments.

5. Medicinal Shampoos and Medicines

Certain shampoos, foams, or creams containing prescribed ingredients like ketoconazole or corticosteroids may be recommended to manage specific scalp conditions causing hair loss.

Medicinal shampoos and medicines can be part of a comprehensive approach to treating hair loss. Here are some commonly used options:

Medicinal Shampoos:

  • Ke­toconazole Shampoo: This shampoo has ketoconazole. It’s an antifungal that can also block hormone­s linked to hair loss. Researchers have seen that it might help some people grow hair or stop losing it.

  • Coal Tar Shampoo: Coal tar tre­ats skin issues like psoriasis and a flaky scalp. Shampoos with coal tar fight inflammation and calm an itchy scalp, making it healthie­r.

  • Salicylic Acid Shampoo: This shampoo uses salicylic acid to clean your Scalp. It removes oil and dead Skin, good for dandruff or similar scalp problems.

6. Dietary Supplements

Supplements containing biotin for hair loss, vitamins (such as Vitamin D and E), iron, and other essential nutrients may be recommended if deficiencies contribute to hair loss.

However, consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any supplement regimen is crucial. Here are some dietary supplements that are often associated with hair health:

Also called vitamin H, biotin is a B vitamin often recommended for hair, Skin, and nail health. Biotin plays a part in the synthesis of keratin, which is a protein that makes up hair.

There are some vitamins for hair loss is important like vitamin D. It is important for overall health, and its inadequacy has been associated with hair loss. Adequate sunshine exposure and consuming foods rich in vitamin D or supplements may help.

Hair loss may be caused by iron deficiency (anemia). Iron is necessary to form hemoglobin that carries oxygen to all cells in the body, including those of the follicles.

Zinc is involved in various physiological processes, such as hair growth. Zinc deficiency has been associated with hair loss, and supplementation may benefit those with low zinc levels.

Vitamin A helps your body’s ce­lls grow, even those in your hair. But be careful; too much can cause hair to fall out. Stick to the recommended amount!

Ome­ga-3s are in fish oil and some see­ds. They fight swelling and can help keep your Scalp and hair healthy.

Your hair ne­eds protein called ke­ratin to grow strong. You might notice your hair thinning if you don’t eat enough protein-rich foods.

Collagen, another prote­in, gives structure to your hair. Taking collagen might help your hair stay healthy and springy.

7. Counseling or Treatment

In cases where stress or psychological factors contribute to hair loss, counseling or treatment may be beneficial.

Here are some approaches to addressing hair loss through counseling or therapy:

One can seek individual guidance from a mental health care provider who is either a psychologist or therapist to help individuals come to terms with the emotional aspects of hair loss. This might entail discussing self-esteem, body image, and other psychological implications and stress connected to losing hair.

It is used to refer to a form of psychotherapy that entails the identification and modification of negative thoughts and conduct patterns. It may mitigate self-descriptions that are adverse to baldness and improve mechanisms for tackling it.

These are groups of people who can share common experiences. It seems nice so that other people know what you’re in when you sit down among them. This experience reduces that isolation.

8. Body Image Therapy

Hair loss changes a person’s looks, which makes it useful to have therapists who focus on how one sees their beauty or feels about being acceptable or having value. These interventions may be especially beneficial for individuals experiencing hair loss because of resulting transformations in their physical appearance.

9. Techniques for Minimizing Stress and Mindfulness

Mindfulness consists of practices such as meditation and diaphragmatic breathing that may be useful in managing stress stemming from hair loss. This is because some forms of baldness due to pressure will develop positively when one uses stress reduction methods.

10. Psychological Assessment and Interventions

A psychologist or therapist may do a psychological assessment to determine the mental health issues contributing to distress about hair falling out. These interventions could include stress management techniques, coping strategies, and goal setting.

11. Body-Focused Therapies

Body-based therapies may help individuals with concerns about their physical appearances and how they view their bodies. Hair loss may be addressed by therapists helping clients recognize and change negative thoughts and behavior.

Also Read: Hair Loss Remedies


Hair holds numerous meanings to various cultures as well as individuals; it therefore ought to be remembered that there are different opinions on hair across cultures and people. Nonetheless, one’s worth does not depreciate if they do not have hair or it falls off because his/her hair does not determine an identity or a person’s value. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist or any other qualified healthcare professional before starting any treatment to establish the cause of hair loss.

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