Shoulder Impingement Exercises: A Comprehensive Guide

Glance at the topic:

  • Regular stretching exercises for shoulder impingement syndrome can start improving range of motion within just 72 hours, with full recovery potentially taking up to six weeks if exercises are followed diligently.
  • Shoulder impingement exercises to avoid include any that can overly stress the shoulder joint, such as certain overhead presses and intense chest exercises, until cleared by a physical therapist​.
  • Incorporating exercises for shoulder impingement syndrome into daily routines can help maintain shoulder mobility and strength, even during episodes of pain.

Did you ever experience a sudden pain in your shoulder whenever you raise it over or behind your back? If yes, you might be having a shoulder impingement. This common condition affects many people, particularly those involved in activities that require repetitive arm movements.

Exercises to correct shoulder impingement can help a lot to manage and reduce pain. In the US alone, 18% to 26% of adults are estimated to have suffered from shoulder pains at some point in life caused by impingement.

Starting with the best shoulder impingement exercises is key. These prioritize strengthening and stretching the muscles around your shoulders, increasing flexibility, and reducing inflammation.

Want to learn how you can take care of your shoulders better? Read on to find out which are the most effective exercises that can help relieve shoulder impingement thus enhancing your quality of life.

Shoulder Impingement Exercises

Shoulder impingements affect quite several people in America particularly those who engage themselves in repetitive arm works. The ideal exercises to correct shoulder impingement will therefore reduce pain as well as improve motion range within your shoulders. Below are some shoulder impingement syndrome exercises you should try:-

1. Rotator Cuff Strengthening

How to do: One should include rotator cuff strengthening as part of the recovery process since it is an important component. You can use light bands during this exercise which helps enhance stability within one’s shoulders effectively.

2. Scapular Stabilization

How to do: This concentrates on muscles around the scapula – a vital area for supporting the proper functioning of the shoulders. Wall push-ups work well here among others too!

3. Pendulum Stretch

How to do: It is a gentle exercise that helps decrease compression at the shoulder joint. Slightly bend forward, lean over, and let the affected arm hang down then swing it gently making small circles.

4. Towel Stretch

How to do: Hold the towel behind your back using both hands then gently pull the affected arm upwards with a good one to stretch it; this will enhance flexibility within the shoulder.

Can you exercise with shoulder impingement? Yes, you can, but you should correctly do the right exercises to prevent worsening.

Shoulder Impingement Exercises to Avoid

Some exercises may worsen your condition even though many are good for it. Knowing which bad exercises for shoulder impingement to skip will save you from more pain.

  • Overhead Presses: Lifting weights above the head increases stress on impinged shoulders.
  • Lateral Arm Raises: This can be too much for a tender shoulder especially when done using weights.
  • Upright Rows: Such exercise often forces shoulders into an unnatural position thus leading to more pain.
  • Bench Press: Heavy lifting compresses muscles around the shoulders thereby worsening impingements.

Avoid exercises that cause shoulder impingement and concentrate on those that foster recovery.

Stretching Exercises for Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

One needs to be careful while performing stretching exercises for shoulder impingement syndrome so as not to overstretch or irritate the joint further.

  • A useful stretch is a doorway stretch where one stands in a doorway with arms against the frame and then slowly leans forward until they feel the front part of their deltoids being stretched. Hold this position for about 20-30 seconds and repeat a few times.
  • Another great stretch is using either a stick or a broom handle. Hold the stick behind your back with both hands, one on top and one on bottom. Use your top hand to gently pull up the stick and stretch the shoulder of your bottom hand. It will help loosen up the rotator cuff and increase its mobility.

Exercises to treat shoulder impingement syndrome should be a mix of stretching and strengthening. Shoulder impingement stretches and exercises are not just about getting rid of the pain—they also help you regain function so you can return to your daily activities without discomfort.

Dumbbell Exercises for Shoulder Impingement

Using dumbbells can be a gentle and effective way to strengthen the shoulder during recovery from impingement. These exercises help to stabilize and build the muscles around the shoulder joint, promoting healing.

The following table outlines a series of exercises that fall into shoulder impingement exercises phase 1 and are also part of ongoing shoulder impingement rehab exercises.

Exercise Name Description Repetitions each direction Sets
Arm Circles Hold a light dumbbell and make small circles with your arm 10 3
Side Lateral Raises Lift arms to the side up to shoulder height, palms down 10 3
Front Raises Raise arms in front of you to shoulder height, palms down 10 3
Bent-over Reverse Fly Bend slightly, lift arms to the side, palms facing in 10 3
External Rotation Keep elbow at the side, rotate forearm outwards with dumbbell 10 3
Shoulder Press Press dumbbells overhead from shoulder height 10 3

















It’s important to start with lightweight dumbbells to avoid straining the already sensitive area. Posterior shoulder impingement exercises with dumbbells can target the back of the shoulder, which is crucial for balanced muscle development.

Physical Therapy Exercises for Shoulder Impingement

Physical therapists often recommend physical therapy exercises for shoulder impingement to help reduce pain and improve mobility. PT exercises for shoulder impingement typically include a combination of stretching and strengthening routines.

For example, shoulder blade squeezes and arm slides on a wall can significantly improve the condition by enhancing shoulder alignment and strength.

Repeating these physical therapy exercises for shoulder impingement regularly can lead to gradual improvement, allowing for increased shoulder movement without discomfort. It’s important to perform these PT exercises for shoulder impingement under the guidance of a professional to ensure they are done correctly and effectively.

Therapeutic Exercises for Shoulder Impingement

To treat shoulder impingement, it is necessary to perform some therapeutic exercises for shoulder impingement which will help in pain management and speed up the recovery process. Impingement syndrome shoulder exercises often involve gentle stretching and gradual strengthening of the shoulder muscles.

Isometric shoulder exercises that can be effective involve pushing against a wall with your arm to strengthen them without moving joints. Also, chest exercises with shoulder impingement such as wall push-ups; this type of exercise enhances chest and shoulder muscles without overworking the already affected region. Doing these treatments twice daily greatly contributes towards getting better soon as well as relieving pain.

Shoulder Impingement Exercises with Resistance Bands

Engaging in shoulder impingement exercises with resistance bands can particularly benefit those experiencing anterior shoulder impingement exercises by targeting the front part of the shoulder.

Some useful exercises are:

  • Band Pull-Aparts: Take both ends of the band holding it with straight arms at chest level then pull apart opening up your arms horizontally till you feel tension across the upper back.
  • External Rotations: Attach one end looped around a doorknob or other stable object; hold the opposite hand against the abdomen while rotating the forearm away from the body until a slight stretch is felt in the front part of the upper arm.
  • Internal Rotations: Attach one end looped around a doorknob or other stable object; hold the opposite hand against the abdomen while rotating the forearm towards the body until a slight stretch is felt in the front part of the upper arm.
  • Overhead Presses: Anchor band securely beneath feet then grasp handles next to shoulders palms facing forwards; brace core before pressing upwards through elbows until arms fully extend overhead but avoid hyperextending neck during movement – lower slowly under control returning down to start position.
  • Horizontal Abduction: Attach one end looped around a doorknob or other stable object; hold the opposite hand against the abdomen while stretching the arm outwards horizontally till a slight stretch is felt across the front part of the upper chest/shoulder region.
  • Diagonal Pulls: Stand tall with good posture facing sideways towards the anchored end of the band; grasp handles in the furthest hand from the anchor point and pull upwards diagonally across the body towards the opposite shoulder – lower slowly under control returning down to start position then repeat on the same side for desired reps before changing sides.

Start these exercises off using light resistance before gradually increasing it as pain reduces and strength improves over time.

Exercises for Shoulder Bursitis and Shoulder Impingement Relief

Management of both shoulder bursitis and impingement requires specific exercises for shoulder bursitis and shoulder impingement relief which often focuses on inflammation reduction along with avoiding activities that worsen this condition. External rotation exercises for shoulder impingement are particularly helpful when you rotate your arm outward but keep your elbow by your side.

These help in strengthening muscles around the outside parts of the shoulders thereby enhancing joint stability while relieving pain associated with both bursitis and impingements.

Exercises for Shoulder Impingement Rotator Cuff Tendinitis

Exercises for shoulder impingement rotator cuff tendinitis aim at restoring strength and flexibility within the rotator cuff group which is essential for proper movements of shoulders. These mainly consist of stretching exercises like arm circles, and shoulder stretches among others; all these contribute towards reducing strains exerted onto tendons thus alleviating any discomforts felt around that area.

It would be very helpful if gentle stretches were included in the recovery plan since they can greatly help improve tendinitis symptoms. Regularly doing such exercises for shoulder impingement rotator cuff tendinitis will lead to a faster healing process while allowing one to regain full functionality as soon as possible with minimal or no pain at all.

Shoulder Impingement Home Exercise Program

Having a shoulder impingement home exercise program is quite effective in dealing with shoulder impingements mainly those occurring on anterior shoulder impingement exercises. These are some simple exercises you can do at your comfort:

  • Wall Slides: Stand against a wall and slowly slide your arms up then down while keeping back along with your arms flat against the wall.
  • Door Frame Stretch: Stand in the door frame; stretch both arms upwards towards the frame’s upper edge so as to gently push the chest forward.
  • Swing of the Pendulum: Bend over and let the impacted arm hang loose; then swing it gently in small circles.
  • Shoulder Blade Squeeze: Stand or sit with arms at the sides, and squeeze shoulder blades together.
  • Stretch Across Arm: Gently tug one arm across the chest with the other hand until the stretch is felt.
  • Towel Stretch: Hold the towel with both hands behind the back; pull the top hand up to stretch the lower arm.
  • Chair Stretch: Sit in a chair, place your hands on the back of it, and gently lift, stretching your shoulders.

Every exercise in your shoulder impingement home exercise program should be done gently and without pain. Start with fewer repetitions and increase as you become more comfortable.

Final Thoughts

Incorporating exercises such as posterior shoulder impingement exercises can significantly aid in the recovery from shoulder impingement. However, it’s crucial to remember that while you can exercise with shoulder impingement, not all exercises are suitable, and some could potentially worsen your condition.

Always consult with a healthcare professional or a doctor to tailor the exercises to your specific needs and ensure you are doing them safely. If you experience increased pain or discomfort, stop the exercises and seek medical advice.



  1. Rotator Cuff Tendinitis: This term refers to inflammation of the tendons in the rotator cuff, a group of muscles and tendons that help move the shoulder.
  2. Scapular Stabilization: This is the strengthening of the shoulder blade area to support and stabilize the shoulder joint.
  3. External Rotation Exercises: These are movements where you rotate your arms outward, important for strengthening the muscles around the shoulder.
  4. Pendulum Stretch: A gentle exercise where the arm is swung gently in circles, helping to decrease tension and pain in the shoulder.
  5. Isometric Shoulder Exercises: Exercises where the muscle contracts but does not change length, often involving pushing against a static object to build strength without movement.


Credit : Source Post

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