The Best Formula For Breastfed Babies, According to Pediatricians

You want to pick the best formula for your baby, one that is easily accessible and well-tolerated by your infant, whether you are exclusively formula-feeding or breastfeeding and supplementing with formula. 

In essence, infant formula has precisely the proper proportions of a range of vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals similar to breast milk. Baby formula is the only proper substitute for breast milk when mothers seek alternatives since it provides a baby with all the nutrition they require during their first year. Here, we have listed the best formula for breastfed babies.

1 Enfamil Neuro Pro

It’s difficult to find anything wrong with Enfamil’s large family of infant formulae, which has the support of many clinicians and parents. Enfamil’s Enspire and Nutramigen products also made the list, but many families like their NeuroPro line. Additionally, this formula contains prebiotics that strengthen the immune system and brain-boosting nutrients like DHA.

This milk-based formula is generally simple for babies to digest because of its structure (but the manufacturer also offers distinct lines to address frequent feeding concerns; more on that later). Additionally, this formula is offered in a gentle variety, as well as in powder or ready-to-feed form. It might be useful for young children who frequently spit up and have gas.

2 Similac Alimentum

Similac’s Alimentum may be worth a try if your baby exhibits signs of colic and gas. Parents in the What to Expect community with gassy and prone-to-colic babies particularly enjoy it. This formula contains your baby’s nutrients to grow healthy eyes and a strong brain. Still, it also contains a hypoallergenic milk protein that lessens allergic responses and colic symptoms brought on by protein sensitivities. 

For families that choose to follow the ready-to-feed method, Alimentum is also offered in that form. You don’t need to spend additional money on a special formula like this if your kid doesn’t exhibit signs of colic or gas.

3 Earth’s Best Organic Dairy Infant Formula

Consider Earth’s Best Organic Formula if you would rather purchase organic baby formula for your child. The best formula for breastfed babies is one of the most reasonably priced organic formulas on the market, and it contains all the vital nutrients your baby needs to develop and grow.

This milk-based powder formula is created using milk from cows that are given grain and hay that has been certified organically cultivated without the use of artificial fertilizers or pesticides. It contains all the essential nutrients your baby needs: lutein for eyes, ARA, and DHA for brain and eye development. Additionally, the brand’s formula is most similar to breast milk.

4 Aussie Bubs Organic Grass Fed Infant Formula

Another fantastic alternative for parents looking for an organic infant formula is the Aussie Bubs Organic Grass Fed Infant Formula. The milk-based powder from Aussie Bubs is created from grass-fed, organic cow’s milk that includes probiotics and milk fat globule membrane (MFGM). The brand’s recipes have undergone comprehensive testing for ingredients that might be problematic and have been approved by the Clean Label Project. 

5 Gerber Good Start SoothePro Formula Powder

Trying many formulas to find one that works for your baby’s delicate tummy might be challenging. For good reason, many parents swear by Gerber’s Good Start line, especially for constipation. Soothe Pro contains probiotics that may soothe her digestive tract, and the company has created a range of blends to address the various problems that can affect babies.

This non-GMO milk-based formula also contains DHA without synthetic growth hormones for brain and eye growth. Just keep in mind that it’s only offered in powder form.

6 Enfamil Nutramigen

Numerous parents claim they noticed a significant improvement when they switched to Enfamil’s Nutramigen hydrolyzed formula. One parent in particular discovered that their baby stopped resisting bottles when they switched to Nutramigen, and many parents noticed that their baby didn’t spit up or get constipated as frequently as they did previously.

For infants with dietary sensitivities, this hypoallergenic formula contains additional nutrients like DHA and those they require. Additionally, many parents say that they preferred the scent of Nutramigen, which finally led them to choose this product over Similac’s Alimentum, a hydrolyzed formula.

7 Bobbie

For parents who are curious about baby formula from Europe, take a look at Bobbie. This organic baby formula is both FDA-approved and complies with the most recent E.U. (European Union) criteria for components like DHA and iron.

As a result of this formula’s USDA organic certification, no GMOs, artificial fertilizers, pesticides, or other additives were used during its creation. The provenance of Bobbie’s main ingredients, such as pasture-raised dairy, whey, and casein from small family farms in the U.S., will also be appreciated by caregivers. It is also the only infant formula business in the U.S. that was created and is run by mothers.

How did we choose these products?

The following criteria from eminent experts served as the basis for our analysis and selection of newborn formulae. Additionally, we assessed each formula using the following standards:

  • Type: Most formulas we included on this list are milk-based variants because, per the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), they are the most prevalent type. However, we also included a few organic choices: partially hydrolyzed baby formula (which may help babies with gas or colic), extensively hydrolyzed formula (which may be healthier for babies with a milk protein allergy), and partially hydrolyzed baby formula (which may benefit babies with a milk allergy).

  • Ingredients: Although most infant formulas are essentially the same, some varieties contain extra ingredients that might benefit the baby or address different issues, like prebiotics or probiotics to support immune health. We’ve included a handful of these choices and the ailments they might be useful for. Most infant formulae contain ingredients that are not genetically engineered, and we verified that each item on this list also does.

  • Availability: Given how stressful it has been to go online to buy infant formula only to receive that dreaded “Out of Stock” signal during the recent formula scarcity, we have prioritized formula brands that have a history of being readily accessible and are offered by several large merchants.

  • Positive comments: Because every child is unique, you’ll probably need to try a few formulae before finding one that works for your child. All of the formulas in this list had to have received mostly favorable feedback from actual parents for us to include them. 


Breast milk or formula can provide your baby’s nutritional needs for the first four to six months. However, parents who formula-feed understandably have many doubts, chief among them being the finest formula to feed their infant. This is especially true at a time when the predominant message seems to be “breast is best.”

First, while formula and breast milk naturally differ, formula is entirely safe and a beneficial substitute for infants. The fact that your infant is properly fed matters most in the end. The best formula for breastfed babies should closely mimic the nutritional composition of breast milk to ensure optimal growth and development. Furthermore, there is little proof that babies who are fed formula develop more quickly than those who are breastfed.


Frequently Asked Questions

When should infants stop consuming formula?

Most healthy infants should continue consuming infant formula if they aren’t breastfed until about a year old.

Should I change formula manufacturers?

In general, even if your baby is experiencing issues like spitting up, gas, or colic, it is recommended to continue with one type and fight the impulse to switch.

Can I create an infant formula from scratch?

Never give your infant homemade formula.

How much infant formula should I give her every day?

The AAP recommends that your infant consume around 212 ounces of formula daily for each pound of body weight. This amounts to two to three ounces of formula every three to four hours after the first few weeks.

Credit : Source Post

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