Weekly Recap: 14 Weeks Until the Dublin Marathon

And, I’m back in London after a whirlwind week back in the U.S. We have 14 weeks until the Dublin marathon, and just 6 weeks until the Marathon du Mèdoc- summer is flying by!

Why did it take so long for us to go back to the U.S.? There’s no single reason…we’re both working busy jobs here and it’s not like we have unlimited personal time; we have been using a lot of our holiday for other trips; I’ve also had nearly all of my sisters, nieces/nephews, and dad, as well as some good friends come visit HERE (which has been a blast) so I have had the opportunity to spend time with my family. There’s also the issue of Ruth and Matilda; we have to ensure we have trusted care for both of them, but you don’t go back to the U.S. for less than a week, right? Just too far…Dustin’s firm pays for us both to fly back once a year comfortably. Yet of course we could go back on our own dime, we just didn’t this first year. But we don’t expect to wait a year again before returning in the future….too long to be away!

But July was a great time to be in Minnesota! I really enjoyed the visit.

Here’s how training went on this trip:

Monday: We were still at the cabin; I ran a solo 10k followed by some core and lower body strength. I worked a little, relaxed a lot, and just enjoyed time at the lake.

Tuesday: After 3 nights at the cabin, we packed up the rental car and drove back to Minneapolis. But first, one last cabin 10k. This time was much buggier than the previous two days- those black flies and sweat bees wouldn’t leave me alone! A true up north run!

Back in Minneapolis, we visited at my sister’s house in the suburbs for awhile, including a short stop at local brewery that opened near them for some pinball and other games.

Then went to dinner with our friends at Rosalia in Linden Hills. So great to catch up in person- these are the same friends that we saw over Christmas in Finland (an amazing trip!)

Their 6 year old daughter snapped this photo of us- not too shabby!

And I was happy to chill with their dog for a bit before dinner too. Got to get in my doggy time where I can, as I was missing Ruth and Matilda!

Wednesday: I woke up to a storm- not just rain, but lightning too. I was meant to meet my friends at 5:45 am, but we pushed to 6 am to see if the storm would pass, and luckily it did. It only rained on us a little bit before the skies cleared and we managed 7.5 miles around the lakes. Wonderful morning.

I went into the office on Wednesday to see everyone in person- it was great! We had a work happy hour in the evening; it was all fun but made for a longer day.

Thursday: Another early morning run around the lakes with friends, just like the old days! One friend was doing her long run, so I kept her company for 9 miles of it.

I followed up the run with some core and upper body strength before finishing up a bit of work; we squeezed in some breaks at some Minneapolis favorites- a donut at Bogart’s and a lunch from France 44th.

In the early evening, we met some friends out at Nine Mile Brewery for a quick pint and catch-up (and puppy time with their guy Odin!)

Then home again for a bit before heading to another friend’s house for dinner and some puppy time! My friend has a 3 month old chocolate lab- he’s the cutest! We also got to spend time with my other friend’s golden retriever.

Friday: Wow, our trip was coming to an end. Much too short of a visit.

I met up with my friends Vicki and Julie for one last lakes run, 7.5 miles.

Then it was time to back up, return the rental car, and fly back to Heathrow.

Saturday: We left Minneapolis on Friday, but with the time change, we didn’t land at Heathrow until Saturday morning; we had a delay and were supposed to land around 6 am, but we didn’t land until 8 am. Fortunately, our Rover (dog sitter who was watching the pups) was still able to make it to her own camping plans. And I was so happy to see our girls (and they were very excited to see us, even though our Rover took great care of them!)

Unpacking is the worst, isn’t it? I like to unpack right away and get started on the laundry, but after that, I decided a short jog might help me feel better post long flight. I ran 3 very heavy-legged miles through the Heath. Then we had a viewing scheduled of another new flat, then Matilda had an appointment for her monthly Librella shot for arthritis (it is helping so much!) Before we knew it, it was back to our London level of walking (about 5 miles!)

By about 4 pm, my head was hurting from just plain fatigue….and I just needed a nap. Well, of course I fell asleep for a few hours, which is not the best way to readjust from CST to BST, but I really needed it. I felt a bit more normal by the time we ate dinner, but was still very groggy the rest of the day. I think the return from the U.S. to Europe is harder than the travel from Europe to the U.S. What do you think?

Sunday: Long run Sunday. I knew it would be rough as I slept in later than I have in years- 9:30, and didn’t get out the door to start the run until 11 am! It’s not that hot in London, but it was still full sun and a bit toasty, and I was feeling very tired and legs were heavy. I had hoped to do 15-16 miles, but all I could muster was 13.1, and that was that. Whew…

I ran from our flat in Hampstead to Regent’s and then down to Hyde Park and Kensington and back for the 13.1 miles. London was looking lovely, even through my tired eyes!

Summary: Still a decent week overall, even with the travel, with about 52 miles of running, core work, 2 days of strength.

I’m linking up with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner; check out their blogs to connect with other fitness bloggers for workout ideas and inspiration!

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Credit : Source Post

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