Weekly Recap: One Week Until the Cape Town Marathon

Here we are, one week out from the Cape Town marathon, marathon #46 for me!

Here’s how the taper went this past week:

Monday: Rest from running! After the 70 mile week the week before, I was very happy for a little lie-in and a rest day. I did do a beginner pilates class at the studio by my office after work. And over lunch, I was able to get a covid vaccine! In the U.K., I don’t qualify for a free one through the NHS, but I was able to pay for one at a private clinic. And no side effects at all, other than a slightly sore arm, (it was the Pfizer vaccine.) I’m going back to the U.S. for Thanksgiving this year, so I figured it would be good to have a booster before seeing family.

Tuesday: I decided to go into the office and run from there around Hyde park as I have been enjoying Hyde lately. 8.4 miles + the mile backpack jog for 9.4 miles total, easy.

That evening, I had a work dinner at Haidilao Hot Pot right in Leicester Square, which according to my colleague who is Chinese, is the most authentic hot pot place in London. I never would have expected it as it doesn’t look like much and most of the restaurants right in Leicester Square are pretty touristy, but it was fun and tasty experience.

Wednesday: Run commute with my colleague Tina and then the office 5k, for 7.6 miles total. Core and upper body strength after work (Caroline Girvan on YouTube.)

Thursday: Back to Hyde park before work! Warm-up, then 4×1 mile at goal marathon pace with 400m jog in between, 7 miles total.

That evening, Dustin and I went to dinner at Noble Rot in Bloomsbury and then went to see Catherine Bohart, an Irish comedian that I really enjoy. Great evening!

Friday: My friend Jehan from NYC was in town to run the Royal Parks half marathon on Sunday, so we met up for an easy 5 mile run together. It was a gorgeous sunny morning in London!

Saturday: Taper long run, just 10 miles. I started with my friend Tina, but she’s still in recovery mode post-Berlin, and only did 6 miles. I happened to run into Dustin after she left and we ran a few together as well.

I had to chuckle when I met up with Tina, as she was wearing pants and a coat, and I was in shorts and a tank! Still a Minnesotan at heart..

That afternoon, we went to see the documentary “Endurance” about Ernest Shackleton’s voyage to Antarctica. What a story!

The film was premiering in London as part of the London Film Festival; I had hoped to get other tickets, but this one was relevant to us since we have been to Antarctica (back in 2019!)

Sunday: 5 mile run with Ruth (the dog) and Dustin, the hilly loop around Hampstead Heath.

Then Dustin and I went to the Frieze London, a huge art fair in Regent’s Park. Really neat!

Summary: 46 miles of running, 1 pilates class, attempt at daily core, some strength sessions at home.

We leave for Cape Town this Thursday night! It’s a 12-hour direct flight from London to Cape Town. Cape Town is actually in the same time zone as London, which should hopefully help with any jet lag pre-marathon. Stay tuned for more; it will be my first time in South Africa and I’m very excited for it.

I’m linking up with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner; check out their blogs to connect with other fitness bloggers for workout ideas and inspiration!

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Credit : Source Post

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