What To Expect When Replacing Missing Teeth with Dental Implants

Patients struggling with tooth loss due to injury, decay, or gum disease find dental implants life-changing. The prosthetics improve speech and the ability to chew preventing the possibility of further bone loss in the jaw. 

They restore a stunning smile, helping to boost confidence and improve self-esteem. Go here for tips on what to expect with your dental implant procedure.

Implants are a favored option for lost or missing teeth because of the high long-term success rate estimated in clinical literature at roughly 95 percent. Dental implants are the alternative to bridges and dentures, which were at one point the primary methods for replacing missing teeth.

The implant looks and behaves similarly to a natural tooth. When placing the device, a titanium root is first inserted gently into the jawbone. The healing process for this step takes roughly three months before the implant fuses to the bone. 

At that time, an abutment is placed into the “root,” with a porcelain crown situated on top of the abutment, creating a new and improved smile.

Dental implant patients who hope to achieve the greatest success with their procedures must prepare adequately according to implant dentists at Farnham Dentistry. Here are a few tips to help you become fully prepared.

Dental Consultation

With consultation, the dentist will be able to assess whether you’re a good candidate for implants. The professional will review the procedure in detail to ensure you’re aware of what to expect. It’s at this session that any questions or concerns are addressed.

The dentist assesses your previous medical history to ensure there are no underlying concerns or medications that could interfere with the procedure. It’s critical to report a thorough and accurate medical history currently.

Smoking cessation

The risk of implant failure is elevated by smoking. The dentist will encourage smokers to stop the habit roughly two weeks before the implants are placed.

Planning for the surgery

Before the day of surgery, it’s recommended to schedule time from work if necessary to recover and rest following the procedure. You will also need to arrange transportation to and from the clinic on the day of surgery.

The dental provider will provide pre-surgical instructions to include foods and drinks to avoid and oral care to follow before surgery day.

The Dental Implant Procedure

When performing dental implant surgery, an artificial root will be inserted into the bone. The root provides a solid, stable foundation to replace lost teeth.

In the process, the dental provider will perform an exam and do X-rays to assess the condition of the jawbone, gums, and surrounding teeth. The professional will establish a tailored care plan that considers your specific needs and preferences. 

On the day of the surgery, a local anesthetic will be provided to numb the region where the implant will be situated. Minor incisions will be made to expose the bone beneath the gum tissue. 

The bone will have small holes created to insert the implant post, often comprised of titanium. These materials need to integrate well with bone tissue and promote natural healing. 

After secure placement, the gums are stitched to close up the incisions. It will take roughly three months for the new bone cells to fuse with the implanted post after which the implant will be considered a permanent feature.

Visit to learn about the safety of dental implants.

Picking The Right Dental Implant

Selecting the appropriate dental implant can be daunting with the hopes of achieving optimum surgical success. Many factors need to be considered with so many choices available.

The implant material is commonly titanium, a durable option that has been used with incredible success over a long history. Another material gaining favor because of its biocompatibility and natural appearance is Zirconia.

The dentist will assess the tooth gap and the structure of the jawbone to recommend an adequate shape and size for the implant. The dentist will inquire whether you prefer a two-piece or one-piece design. With the one-piece implant, the surgical procedure is more involved but there’s less hardware with the device. 

The two-piece offers separate abutments for adjustability following placement. You can also choose an angled abutment or an implant with immediate loading capacity if that’s something you require.

The dentist will go over these details in the consultation and make appropriate recommendations for your specific situation.

During And Following Implant Surgery

The dentist will use a local anesthetic while performing the dental implant surgery or sedation based on your preference and the provider’s recommendations. Before placing the implant, the professional will remove any remaining structure to ensure the area is prepared for the titanium root placement.

It’s important to understand swelling and discomfort commonly following surgery. The dentist will provide prescriptions for pain and antibiotics to relieve the symptoms. Bleeding isn’t uncommon and can be minimized by biting down on gauze gently until it stops.

The recommendation is to rest for roughly 48 + hours, avoiding any strenuous activities that could result in additional swelling or bleeding. A saltwater solution should be used to rinse for two weeks, four times each day. 

After this, you can then return to your regular oral hygiene regimen. It’s vital to thoroughly follow pre- and post-surgical instructions to achieve the greatest success with your dental implant placement. 

Credit : Source Post

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